
Iowa-based writer Warren Goldie.


Get Expert Help Writing a Book, Article or Website

Special Offer: Jan.-April 2019

Professional ghostwriter, business writer and award-winning playwright and novelist will work with you at a very reasonable rate this winter, 2019. I’m looking to add an additional client at this time.

Advance your passion project — your memoir, novel, article, website, marketing strategy, etc. — toward completion at a cost that is rare today.

After a long, successful career (About Me), I’m eager to support projects that elevate the discourse and increase awareness — creative work that is “positive” in nature.

Take a step forward on any of these projects:

  • Develop and complete your memoir, novel or family history book or video. From idea development to interviewing to writing and editing, I work with sensitivity and attention to purpose and audience. If you are ready to publish, I will share my deep knowledge of self-publishing or guide you in submitting to agents and publishers. Download my novel FREE for Kindle today only.
  • Write an effective website or marketing communications. I’ve assisted startups, early-stage companies, nonprofits, universities and the Fortune 100. My work has helped move $100M in projects during my business career.
  • Other areas such as development and fundraising. My writing and strategy has helped garner generous contributions for organizations in business, education and entertainment.

Over 25 years, I’ve assisted 40+ companies and individuals, including work as an editor for Steven Spielberg and Hollywood film companies, awards for website writing and much more. My services.

Reach out to me here or at info@warrengoldie.com or at 720-608-2311 to talk about your project or company. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Warren Goldie